Spiffy Excel: October 2018

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Substitute Function

              Excel SUBSTITUTE Function           

Substitute function used to replace text from a string based on its occurrence. For example if we want to replace second Radha with She in below given line. This function will do this task.

Radha is a singer. Radha sings very well.


Vlookup Function

Excel VLOOKUP Function


A vlookup function is used to get information from large dataset organised in a table based on some criteria. It finds value in another table and provide value from the right of that table. Like in above example we want to get per day income in Table 2 from 1.
  • Lookup_Value Which data have to look in first column (Saurav in Table 2, H5).
  • Table_Array Where we will find our Lookup_(Value Table 1).
  • Col_index_num Column number from where we will get data.
  • [Range_lookup] 0 for exact match and 1 for approximate match.